Past Meetings

At the Society's meeting on May 21st, 2006 the featured presentation was:

Present But Not Accounted For — The Women of the Valley Forge Encampment

  By Dr. Nancy Loane

Did you know that, in addition to the 12,000 men who were encamped at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-1778, there were more than 400 women — and some exceptional ladies? Much has been written about that terrible winter, the suffering of the soldiers, of Washington's fortitude, and of the remarkable remodeling of the Continental Army. But little has been said about the women of, and with, the Army. Who were they? What did they do at Valley Forge?

Through this talk by well-known Pennsylvania Commonwealth Speaker Dr. Nancy K. Loane, we learned about an aspect of the Valley Forge encampment that we may not have known existed.


Valley Forge Park - Soldiers Monument


Page last updated: 2007-11-23 at 11:45 EST
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