Past Meeting

At our public meeting on Sunday, September 19, 2010 the featured presentation was:

Berwyn, 2009

Berwyn, 1924

An Aerial Retrospective of the Upper Main Line

by Roger Thorne and Mike Bertrtam

In October 2008 the Society held a well-attended meeting entitled A Birds-Eye View of Tredyffrin and Easttown: Photographs from the Dallin Aerial Survey Company, 1924-1941. Presenters Mike Bertram and Roger Thorne, along with members of the audience, were able to relate many stories and little-known facts from our community through the use of these amazing high-resolution images from the late Twenties, obtained by the Society from the Hagley Museum in Delaware.

During the fall of 2009, Society president and photographer Roger Thorne and pilot Dave Nelson completed a series of “Then & Now” photo shoots from Dave’s vintage Piper J-3 Cub, recreating the height and perspective of photographs taken 70 or more years ago, and the results show how time and progress has changed the landscape of the Upper Main Line, in some cases quite dramatically.

This was a “must-attend” meeting for all local history buffs, and lovers of our beautiful upper Main Line.

For a preview of some of the kinds of images that you might have seen, please check out the The Dallin Image Library section of our site.

The presentation was video-recorded for future broadcast on the Tredyffrin Township Public Access cable channel.


Page last updated: 2010-09-21 at 10:00 EDT
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