News 2013
The Society Supports 2013 Paoli Blues Fest
2013 Paoli Blues Fest artwork by Dane Tilghman
(L-R): John O. Senior, Loyd Pakradooni, and Nancy Kimmons staffed the TEHS exhibit at the 2013 Paoli Blues Fest. Photo by Pete Bannan, Main Line Media News
On Saturday, 5 October 2013 the Society participated as an exhibitor for the third consecutive year in the five-year history of the Paoli Blues Fest.
Unlike last year's cool and blustery weather, the sunny and warm early autumn day was quite pleasant and the turnout for the event was large.
The ten-by-ten foot exhibit tent was configured and staffed by Society vice president John O. Senior, his wife and set-up supervisor Nancy Kimmons,
and secretary Loyd Pakradooni. The steady stream of visitors who visited the tent throughout the day were fascinated by the diverse collection of historic
photographs on display, and enjoyed having the opportunity to both learn about and share their knowledge of local history.
Exhibiting at this community event was a wonderful way to introduce the Society to a new and wider audience, as well as to connect with many friends
who stopped by to chat. If you are interested in the enjoyable work of helping to staff the booth next year, please contact the Society by email or
speak to one of us at a Society meeting.
Information about our Blues Fest participation in previous years can be found here:
2011 and
2013 TEHS booth layout
Visitors at TEHS booth
Photos Courtesy John O. Senior