Upcoming Meeting

At our public meeting on Sunday, February 16, 2014 the featured presentation will be:

Miss Elizabeth Hawkesworth as portrayed by Karin Stocking

Miss Elizabeth Hawkesworth – A Day at School

by Karin Stocking

Miss Elizabeth Hawkesworth is a traveling schoolmarm of the early 1800s, whose personal story speaks of similar scenarios that many of our immigrant ancestors would identify with. Her late education at the Philadelphia School for Girls, makes her one of the most learned women of our age (when really only men could claim this title). While she was born in Wales, she worked as a domestic servant while living with her aunt and Uncle, Colonel Peter Hawkesworth of Hatfield Township in Montgomery County. She is the oldest child and only daughter of Mary and Edward Hawkesworth and the sister to four brothers.


Her alter ego, Karin Stocking, is a graduate of East Stroudsburg University with a concentration in musical theatre and currently works as an Executive Assistant in the pharmaceutical industry. Karin, along with her husband, Bruce, are the hosts of "H2O" a radio program on 1180 AM WFYL on Saturday mornings at 9 am that deals with all aspects of American History and government and where history is hydrated!

She is also the founder of the W.S. Hancock Society which rescued the deteriorating mausoleum of Major General Winfield Hancock at Montgomery Cemetery in 1995. The W.S. Hancock Society is the originator of the Montgomery County History Fair which will commence again this year with a concentration on the American Civil War and take place at the Knapp Farm on September 13, 2014.

This presentation will be held at the Easttown Library & Information Center in Berwyn, PA starting at 2 pm.


Page last updated: 2014-01-21 at 13:37 EST
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