Past Meeting

At our public meeting on Sunday, February 19, 2016 the featured presentation was :

Scott Houting with some of the VFNHP's weapons collection – Courtesy of Roger Thorne

Valley Forge Village, Families and Industry

by Scott Houting

Scott is an Interpretive Ranger at Valley Forge National Historical Park, and has spoken to, and written for, the Society since 2003. In this presentation, he followed the Potts family's involvement in the village of Valley Forge, the iron business up to 1826, and the production of military muskets at Valley Forge.

This presentation was held at the Easttown Library & Information Center in Berwyn, PA starting at 2 pm.

Valley Forge, 1878 – Courtesy of Lee Kirts & TEHS Archives

This rare image of the village of Valley Forge, taken in June 1878 on the occasion of the centenary of the Continental Army departing Valley Forge, and provided courtesy of Lee Kirts, provides some idea of the development of the village in the decades after the Encampment, and the setting for Mr. Houting's talk


Page last updated: 2017-02-21 at 22:04 EST
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