Upcoming Meeting
This Society meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday February 19, 2023
at Tredyffrin Public Libary in Strafford, Pa.
co-sponsored by the Tredyffrin Public Library as an online web seminar.
Meet Revolutionary War Hero Ned Hector
interpreted by Noah Lewis
Ned Hector in action
Edward "Ned" Hector is a Revolutionary War hero, a free black man, who was a teamster and bombardier. Ned wears the Uniform of the Third Pennsylvania
Artillery Company to bring his message about the role of African-Americans in the Colonial fight for freedom during the Revolutionary War.
Ned Hector fought in the Revolutionary War Battles of Brandywine and Germantown. He was noted for his courage during the retreat from Brandywine,
when he refused to let his team, wagon, and armaments fall into enemy hands. He is quoted as saying, "The enemy shall not have my team.
I will save the horses or perish myself."
Ned Hector by John Hurst
Presenter Noah Lewis has been reenacting free Black Continental Soldier Ned Hector since 1996,
and he has researched the contributions of Black people to our nation's freedom. Through his presentations,
he helps all of us to appreciate the benefits that we still enjoy today thanks to the service many people of African descent in the Revolutionary War.